Tuesday, January 26, 2010


About a month before Thanksgiving I was talking on the phone to my sister Jen. We were discussing all the thinks we were going to cook and what recipes we were going to use. All of the sudden a brilliant (yes, I do say so myself) idea hit me. A moment after it entered my head I blurted it out: "We should start a cooking blog!" So that brings us up to now.
So, for my first post: Fajitas!
To be honest these were not my idea, but my husband Isaac's idea. I had never had them before but he promised I would like them. (I did.)
I started by cutting up the veggies: onion, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, and zuchinni.

The green onions were suppose to go on top after everything was cooked but in my excitement I forgot.

After that I cut up the chicken. Cooked the chicken. Removed the chicken from the pan. Cooked the veggies. Put the chicken back in the pan. I used a package of fajita mix to add flavor because I'm just that authentic.

Isaac doing my bidding.

 After all that was finished it was just a matter of throwing it in a flour tortilla. I had mine with sour cream and salsa. Speaking of which I found my favorite salsa of all time...

La Mexicana Medium Salsa